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News from Norway : discover Louise's feedback on her gap year

Study abroad



I am on an exchange program in Bergen, Norway (NHH).

The exchange is going well so far. The classes have just concluded, and I am currently in the exam period.

The courses are generally interesting with very attentive professors. I haven't encountered any unpleasant surprises in terms of subjects; the level is appropriate.

The campus is very lively, and the school organizes numerous events that constantly facilitate networking. It was very easy for me to find accommodation since an organization automatically offers us a room on campus at a reasonable price given the Norwegian standard of living. This organization also arranges various activities. The city is also very active, with many international and Norwegian students, all while being very close to nature and hiking trails.

I believe the advantages include the events, which prevent any feelings of loneliness. The school is very present and offers many opportunities. Hiking trips are organized every week, sometimes with free meals. Additionally, the accommodation is very convenient. The shared kitchen and common complementary areas for all students on campus also help avoid any sense of isolation.

The disadvantages are more related to the high cost of living, which is indeed very high but was expected. The days are also short during the revision and exam weeks, which can be a bit challenging.

In summary, the beginning of the year has been incredible and fulfilling. The revision and exam weeks are a bit more challenging, but we are well-supported to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Louise Barcet


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