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National Summer Congress 2024: TSE Junior Etudes wins an award

Student Life



Once again this year, our TSE Junior-Etudes students had the pleasure of taking part in the National Summer Congress organised by the CNJE (Confédération Nationale des Junior-Entreprises). The theme of this year's event, which brings together several hundred junior-entrepreneur students each year, was ‘From knowledge to action: skills to pave your way’.

Among the 1,200 junior-entrepreneurs from all over France and the partners who came to support the event (BNP Paribas, Alten, EY, Engie and Saint-Gobain), our students distinguished themselves by winning the Sphinx competition for the best data visualisation 2024. Thanks in part to the efforts of the TSE community, they were able to create an interactive dashboard to present the results of their research into identifying the acquisition channels of TSE Junior-Etudes. Their project is in line with current issues of facilitating data reading, understanding and decision-making.

TSE Junior Etudes: things are in safe hands

Having already distinguished themselves at the ‘Data for Good’ Hackaton in October 2023 by taking first and second place, Anaïs Boughanem and Louis Rodriguez sustain their momentum. As worthy ambassadors of TSE excellence, the former treasurer of the association and the current vice-president seized the opportunity to co-host a training course for 45 other students from other Junior-Enterprises in collaboration with ESCadrille Toulouse Junior Conseil, the Junior-Enterprise of TBS.

"Entitled Explore New Horizons: Generative AI and Machine Learning at the Service of your Junior-Enterprise and your Clients, our training course is directly in line with TSE's cutting-edge teaching and our range of services. The Toulouse Junior-Enterprise network is once again demonstrating its dynamism within the movement, which is the leading confederated student movement in France", writes Louis Rodriguez, before concluding, “On the strength of the various training courses and prizes won, the Toulouse Junior-Enterprise network is once again demonstrating its dynamism within the movement, which is the leading confederated student movement in France”.

Toulouse's participation in the 2024 Congress will have left its mark on people's minds.

Congratulations once again to all the members of the TSE Junior Etudes: Anaïs, Denis, Louis and Mathis. There's no doubt that your professionalism and skills have already reached the level of some professionals.


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