Business TALK #2 - Actuarial Challenges of Tomorrow (AXA)

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Let's discover the position of actuary ! Give it a look :

The next Business Talk will be given on Thursday, October 10th at 5 p.m. in the Amphi MS001. Mohamed Baccouche, Chief Actuary from AXA, will talk on: "Actuarial Challenges of Tomorrow" :

Advanced analytics, big data and ethical issues are fundamentally changing actuarial work. Climate change, digital economy and global geopolitical instability will also have an impact on modeling and risk management for the future. In this fast-paced and unstable world, how will you, graduates and soon-to-be actuaries adapt to these challenges?
Innovation, technology, and inventive thinking are key to the actuarial workforce of the future!

Come to the talk and meet the speaker afterwards, some drinks and some nibbles will be available after the business talk in MS002!

We look forward to seeing you on the 10th !

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Campus Talks
Diffusé sur : Magistère d'économiste statisticien, Membres Conseil d'Administration, Etudiants - Magistère d'Economiste - Statisticien, PARIS TSE NETWORK, Master 2 Economics of Markets and Organization, TSE Junior ...

Amphi MS001

21 allée de Brienne 31000 TOULOUSE

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