TIGER Forum, a major economic summit launched by TSE

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TSE is pleased to invite you to the TIGER Forum at the Toulouse 1 Capitole University on June 5th to 8th 2013.


To express the fields of expertise that TSE has become renowned for: "Toulouse - Industry - Globalization - Environment - Regulation". T-I-G-E-R: The TIGER Forum aims to become a major annual event in economics, reputed for its scientific excellence and ability to provide the keys to understanding the major issues of our times. A forum bringing together the world’s leading economists, both academics and practitioners, around exciting scientific events, open round tables, prestigious prize awards and gala evenings.

for more information :  http://www.tiger-forum.com/
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Toulouse 1 Capitole University - Arsenal Campus

Rue des Puits Creuses 31000 TOULOUSE

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