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Public Lecture with Alumni Daniel Coublucq

Associations et vie étudiante



Wednesday 28th March from 5pm MC203

The TSEconomist is glad to invite all students and teaching staff to our fifth public lecture "The use of quantitative techniques in merger control" with Daniel Coublucq.
 Daniel Coublucq is an economist at the European Commission, DG Competition. He holds a Ph.D. in competition economics from the Toulouse School of Economics. His research focuses on quantitative techniques applied to competition policy, transport, demand estimation, investment, and productivity. Before joining the European Commission, Daniel Coublucq worked as an analyst at the International Trade center UnCTAD/WTO and at Institut Veolia Environnement.
 As always, everyone is welcome to join us in room MC203; no prior registration is required.
 After the talk, the TSEconomist will offer a cocktail :)

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