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Information to the ERNA alumni: the competition is on!


Dear all,

Since it will be beneficial for us, and we believe also for you, to know more about where you are now and what you have been up to after your graduation from the ERNA program, we would be very grateful if you could update your profiles on the alumni platform with information about your current and previous work places (and the like). It would be very useful for me to attract new bright students, and it could be of interest for you to know the experience and expertise of the others in the alumni network, or simply to know where they are for social reasons.

Therefore, to provide some incentives for you to update your profiles we have decided to give away 1 TSE sweatshirt each to 5 randomly drawn winners in our alumni network. The only thing we require from you is to update your profile with your work experience from after your ERNA graduation and to do so before April 17. Everyone who have provided this info is eligible for the prize, also those who have already provided the info.

The winners will be drawn by Tiphaine TEXIER who is the TSE Alumni Relations Officer. The winner will be announced in our group forum, and after sending us their preferred size for the sweatshirt it will be shipped to them.

With this minimal effort you have the chance to win this amazing prize, so don’t wait until it is too late!
Also remember to join in the ERNA group on the platform!

Thanks and good luck!
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